Friday, August 21, 2009

Being verses Doing

By Carole

I am a Christian.

This phrase refers to a state of being. When we came to know Christ as our Lord and Savior, we entered into a new state of life- you can say we entered true life. This is what being "born again" entails. Once His Spirit is born within us, what we do changes because who we are has changed.

Religion is defined by what you do, while Christianity is defined by who you are.

However, what we do is still important. Christ tells us that "You will know a tree by it's fruit." If we bear good fruit, that is evidence that God has truly put His Spirit within us. Works are the evidence of salvation, but not the initiators. We should do things that please the Lord because of who we are.


Jackie said...

"Religion is defined by what you do, while Christianity is defined by who you are."

Love That!! Iv'e ways tried to explain that I'm not relgious but this is who I am Meaning Christian. Never new there was an exact phrase so simple but so powerful to explain myself.

women apologetics said...

This helped me so much also, Jackie. It took me a long time to discover this truth- that we gain an identity in Christ. The old is gone, the new is come. As Paul says, it is no longer I who live, but Christ in me. Praise the Lord that He births His Spirit within us, and makes us new.

I've heard it said this way- I could no sooner deny my birth in Christ, than I could deny my birth into this world.

Thanks for commenting!!

In Christ-